Andama Godfrey Isrealite

We said that there is the law of God and the law of Moses.
The law of God is found in Exodus 20, while the law of Moses is found in Exodus 21-23 and Leviticus.
The law of God is the ten commandments for all people at all times, while the law of Moses is for the Jews, which will be reenacted in the millennial reign for all believers in Jerusalem.
Today, I want us to know that the application of Moses’ law is irrelevant to the Church today because, in Acts 15, we will see that we are free from the law of Moses; it doesn’t apply to us directly.
The early Church converts in Acts were former Jews and Gentiles, but they became the Church after conversion.
Then why do we study the law?

 Because we can gain some exciting applications from it.
We also study the law because it has some exciting illustrations of Jesus.
We need to study the law because the law is much like a finger pointing to Jesus.
If we are unfamiliar with the sacrifices, how can we differentiate that Jesus` sacrifice is worthy?
So the ceremonial in short is( laws seem to focus the adherent’s attention on God, e.g., instructions on regaining right standing with God (e.g., sacrifices and other ceremonies regarding “uncleanness”), remembrances of God’s work in Israel (e.g., feasts and festivals), specific regulations meant to distinguish Israelites from their pagan neighbors (e.g., dietary and clothing restrictions), and signs that point to the coming Messiah (e.g., the Sabbath, circumcision, Passover, and the redemption of the firstborn).) and civil law(related to justice and judgment) promotes the welfare of those who obey, e.g., justice, respect, and sexual conduct, and includes the Ten Commandments.
So the law of God is perfect, as the bible says
In Galatians, Paul wrote that it’s our schoolmaster driving us to Christ. Remember, the Ten Commandments are to make us realize we have failed.
Those who are saying I didn’t murder, kill, covet, and sleep with anybody but Jesus sitting on the Mount clarifying what His father said on Mount Sinai that it’s the heart.
By the way, many are sinning sleeping with women every day; many girls who uncontrollably admire a boy looking at them lustfully are worthy of arrest.

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