Andama Godfrey Isrealite

4.What should be Christian Priorities?

We are still looking at priorities, setting Jesus as a role model.
We saw that Jesus always prioritized the Gospel, which caused Him to leave His earthly home and go to His heavenly Father’s dwelling place.
Pastor Don said he saw some women complaining about their children and told them to cast their burdens on the Lord; the women said that’s what they were trying to do.
These women seem to be listing and giving details of their children’s crazy behavior, but not to the Lord.
Almost everyone responds that they know the Lord when you tell them to pray; the Bible also tells us that Satan also knows the Lord.
Are you “trying,” as you may promise to a friend who advises you like these women?
If I am not mistaken, these women may take 30 minutes to talk to each other about their children’s behavior, but they will take 3 minutes to tell it to God, who created them and can change their behavior.
This Pastor was trying to tell the women to give their children to God, but these women are not trying to go to God; they are just trying to share amongst themselves.
We often make prayer a secondary priority and replace it with a friend who may become a journalist to advertise you.
This is exactly the same problem Mary and Joseph face with Jesus, who always doesn’t stay home for the cross’s sake. This happens when we consider priority in the worldly concept.
Mary told Jesus, “Me and Joseph, your father, are looking for you.” But Jesus said, “I am with my father,” not Joseph.
We often value our earthly father or mother more than all but hear Jesus left His earthly parents because your heavenly father is more remarkable since the heavenly father creates your earthly parents.
In John 2:4, Mary ran to Jesus to help because they ran out of wine. Jesus said, “I can do it, but it’s not you, my mother, to tell me. It’s all about my father’s time, not Joseph.”

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