The Bible mentions several judgments, illustrating that our God is a God of justice. As the psalmist says, “A scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom” (Psalm 45:6). According to John 5:22, it is the Lord Jesus Himself who is the Judge of all the earth: “The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son.” This underscores the fairness and impartiality of His judgments. Furthermore, Revelation 5:5 states that Jesus alone is worthy to open the scroll. Below is a likely chronological list of significant judgments.
The judgment of Adam and Eve
In Genesis 3:14–24, God banished the first couple from the Garden of Eden for disobeying His command not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This judgment impacted all creation (Genesis 3:17–18; Romans 8:20–22).
The judgment of the antediluvian world In Genesis 7:17–24, it is written that God sent a global flood as a judgment on humanity’s sin during Noah’s time. The flood wiped out all humanity and the animal world except for Noah and his family. Their faith led them to obey God’s command to build the ark, saving them from the flood.
The judgment at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:5–9). Noah’s post-flood descendants remained in one location in defiance of God’s command, so God confused their language, causing them to disperse over the earth.
The judgment of Egypt and their gods(Exodus 7-12). The ten plagues against Egypt at the time of the exodus were “mighty acts of judgment” (Exodus 7:4) against a stubborn, cruel king and an idolatrous people and their gods (Exodus 12:12).
The judgment of believers’ sins Isaiah 53:4–8 says that Jesus took judgment upon Himself through His crucifixion and death, a redemptive act that offers hope to all believers. Hebrews 2:9 mentions that He suffered death to taste it for everyone by the grace of God. Because our sin was judged at the cross, Romans 8:1 does not condemn those in Christ Jesus. Additionally, Jesus mentioned shortly before His arrest in John 12:31 that it was the time for judgment on this world, and the prince of this world would be driven out.
Self-evaluation (1 Corinthians 11:28): Believers engage in self-examination, prayerfully and honestly assessing their spiritual condition, with the church’s support in purifying the Body of Christ (Matthew 18:15–17). Self-judgment requires spiritual discernment from each believer to emulate Christ (Ephesians 4:21–23).
Divine discipline Hebrews 12:5–11 teaches that the Lord disciplines His followers out of love, similar to how a father lovingly corrects his children. This discipline will bring us to repentance and restoration when we sin. It’s a way for God to set us apart from the world. 1 Corinthians 11:32 explains that when the Lord judges us, it’s a form of discipline to prevent us from being condemned along with the world. Revelation 3:19 also reminds us that He chastens those whom Christ loves.
The judgments of the tribulation period The terrible judgments in Revelation (chapters 6-16) are depicted as the opening of seven seals, the blowing of seven trumpets, and the pouring out of seven bowls. God’s wrath against sin will be unmistakably demonstrated through these judgments as He punishes the wicked. Additionally, these judgments are intended to bring about the repentance of the nation of Israel.
The judgment seat of Christ In (2 Corinthians 5:10), it is mentioned that believers who are resurrected and raptured to heaven will be judged for their works. This judgment does not concern sin, as Christ has already paid for that, but only focuses on faithfulness in Christian service. Works that are selfish or performed with wrong motives will be destroyed (referred to as “wood, hay, and stubble” in 1 Corinthians 3:12). However, works that have lasting value to the Lord will endure (referred to as “gold, silver, and precious stones”). The Bible refers to the rewards given for these works as “crowns” (Revelation 3:11). These rewards will be bestowed by the One who is and will remember the work and love shown to Him (Hebrews 6:10).
The judgment of the nations Matthew 25:31–46 describes that following the tribulation, the Lord Jesus will preside over the judgment of the Gentile nations based on their treatment of Israel during that period. This event is commonly called the judgment of the sheep and the goats due to the imagery used by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse. Those who demonstrated their faith in God by positively interacting with Israel and offering assistance and support during the tribulation are represented as the “sheep” and are destined to enter the Millennial Kingdom. Conversely, those who aligned with the Antichrist and persecuted Israel are depicted as the “goats” and are to be condemned to hell.
The judgment of angels In 1 Corinthians 6:2–3, Paul mentions that Christians will judge angels. While the exact meaning of this statement is not entirely clear, it is generally understood that the angels being considered are the fallen angels. Those who the Lamb has redeemed will be responsible for judging the demons who follow Satan. According to Jude 1:6, some of these demons are already imprisoned in darkness, awaiting judgment, as a result of leaving their proper dwelling place.
The Great White Throne Judgment In Revelation 20:11–15, the final judgment of unbelievers for their sins occurs at the end of the Millennium, before the creation of the new heaven and earth. At this judgment, unbelievers of all In Job 8:3, Bildad, one of Job’s friends, asks, “Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?” The answer, of course, is “no.” “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just” (Deuteronomy 32:4). God’s judgments will make His perfection shine forth in all its glory.
One of the Holy Spirit’s tasks is to convict the world of upcoming judgment (John 16:8-11). When people truly understand their sin, they acknowledge their guilty position before a Holy God. The certainty of judgment should prompt the sinner to turn to the Savior and cast themselves on the mercy of God in Christ. Praise the Lord that, in Christ, “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13).